Syntax Quiz
1. What case is Pandione in line 520?
A. Dative
B. Nominative
C. Ablative
D. Accusative
2. How many ablative absolutes are in this story?
A. 0
B. 2
C. 5
D. 8
3. What tense is detorquet in line 515?
A. Present
B. Perfect
C. Future
D. Future Perfect
4. What is the scansion for the first four feet of line 525: vi superat frustra clamato saepe parente?
5. What kind of word is pictae in line 511?
A. Plural noun
B. Perfect passive participle
C. Future active verb
D. Adverb
6. What is the case and case use of vi in line 525?
A. Nominative Subject
B. Ablative of manner
C. Dative of Possession
D. Ablative of means
7. What is the best translation of habuissem in line 541?
A. I used to have
B. I will have
C. I would have had
D. I have
8. In line 516, pedibus praedator is an example of what poetic device?
A. Asyndeton
B. Elision
C. Hyperbaton
D. Alliteration
9. Is there a cesura in line 524?
A. No cesura
B. Yes, delayed
C. Yes, early
D. Yes, normal
10. What is the person, number, tense and mood of fecisses in line 540?
A. 1st person, singular, future, indicative
B. 2nd person, singular, pluperfect, subjuctive
C. 2nd person, singular, imperfect, indicative
D. 1st person, plural, present, subjunctive
Answer key: 1:C, 2:C, 3:A, 4:B, 5:B, 6:B, 7:C, 8:D, 9:C, 10:B
Jonathan Howe, 2/14/2018 “Let No One Take Your CROWN-Jonathan
Howe Fine Art,” Jonathan Howe Fine Art, https://www.jonathanhowefineart.com/blog/2018/2/14/let-no-one-take-your-crown
“Wiktionary, the free dictionary,” https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Wiktionary:Main_Page
“Ovid Metamorphoses 6 520-549 in Latin with adjustable running vocabulary,” https://nodictionaries.com/ovid/metamorphoses-6/520-549
“Ovid: Metamorphoses IV,” https://www.thelatinlibrary.com/ovid/ovid.met6.shtml
9/19/2018, "Philomela," No Publication, http://eliotwasteland.blogspot.com/2018/09/philomela.html
Randy Alcorn, 3-5-2010, "Can a Believer Lose a Crown That Is Already Laid to His Account?," Eternal Perspective Ministries, https://www.epm.org/resources/2010/Mar/5/can-believer-lose-crown-already-laid-his-account/
Double Seas, "Ovid: Garth Text; Baur B6, p59," https://www.uvm.edu/~hag/ovid/garth/garthb6p59.htm
R.J. Tarrant, "P. Ovidi Nasonis: Metamorphoseon Liber VI"